Images courtesy of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society
British Society for the History of Pharmacy

Membership costs just £30.00* per annum and includes:
* BSHP offers Student Membership at £15.00 per annum - to apply for student membership please click here

 Download the Application Form, complete your details and send the form to the address given.

Apply Online, complete your details and pay using Paypal.

Membership Subscription Renewal by Paypal
These can be done quickly and easily using this link

Just select the “Send” option (right hand box) and of course you will need to have a PayPal account. Then enter the renewal amount from your annual subscription renewal invoice (£30 or £15 for registered students). It is most important however that in the notes field, under the amount box, that you enter your membership reference from the end of year renewal invoice (eg BSHP/100/Subs).

If any queries please email [email protected].

Apply Online
Applying couldn't be quicker or easier and gives you instant access to all the benefits of membership.

Download the Application Form
Complete your details and send the form to the address given.